About & Contact Us

About the Pacifica Restructuring Project

The Pacifica Restructuring Project is the work of three current Pacifica Board members, Bill Crosier, Donald Goldmacher, and Mansoor Sabbagh; four former Pacifica Board members, Sherry Gendelman, Carol Spooner, Akio Tanaka, and Carole Travis; and former Chair of the KPFA Local Station Board Susan da Silva.

We are a group of current and former board members of the Pacifica Foundation, concerned with the serious issues facing the Foundation and other independent media. We recognize an urgent need for effective governance to deal with those issues.

Many Pacifica members from all five of our Pacifica-owned stations, as well as our affiliate stations, have expressed grave concerns about the ability of our boards to effectively oversee and protect the over $100 million of assets of our network. Members have expressed alarm about the large and growing debt, loss of members and listeners, and the fact that so many people do not know about our stations.

Because our Bylaws are the organizational structure for how our board members are selected and how they are directed to operate, we think it’s important to start with determining what changes are needed in our Bylaws so that we can have governance capable of dealing with the issues.

We agree that:

  • We are reaching out to find others who want to work together to help improve our governance and boards.
  • We seek processes and communication structures to allow us to be able to get more listeners and supporters.
  • We are committed to helping insure that Pacifica can pay its bills and keep our stations open.
  • We need to find the funds to modernize our stations.


Our society is wrought with conflict, from institutions, individuals, and businesses that take advantage of others through theft, lies, and violence. Pacifica was formed to be a beacon of light for finding a better, saner way – exploring non-violent conflict resolution, respecting and helping each other, and championing peace and justice both in our programming and our governance. Our country, and our world, need Pacifica. Our very name means “peace”, and we must create an internal environment which supports us in bringing that message to the world.

Dandelion with seeds blowing
Dandelion seeds blowing

But for Pacifica’s mission to have an impact, we must grow. Like the dandelion, we must spread seeds far and wide – seeds of truth, peace and justice, to make this world a better place.

Help the sun rise on an even-better Pacifica. Don’t let it be the sunset of Pacifica!


Contact Us

Have more suggestions or questions? E-mail us at PacificaRestructuring<at>gmail.com

(Replace “<at>” with “@”).